
Tineret Buzău 2007 in Mass-Media

After almost 2 years of existence we managed to gain respect and to become a known name in the NGOs world.
Here, we will post recordings or proofs of our appearances in the papers or on TV.
Enjoy ! :)


Ilinca said...

\:d/ This is great !

symyna said...

Ce pot spune...? La mai mare:) Si poate data viitoare voi reusi sa urmaresc si eu emisiunile. Pana acum universul a complotat impotriva mea si fie am uitat de ele ( rusine mie), fie nu era niciun TV prin preajma, fie erau multe dar, dintr-un motiv sau altul, fara electricitate se incapatanau sa nu functioneze ;))

Anonymous said...

Bravo ...Lost something but others are happy ...