
Prague, Czech Republic

The Use of Dramatherapy methods
in Intercultural Learning

25. 7. - 1. 8. 2009


Unknown said...

Dear My Friends;

First time i have found warm and sincere friends from Romania and we have spent a good time in Czech Republic with you. Thank you very much for all. I hope to see you soon and i would like to host you in Kayseri / Turkey. Greetings for my room mate ( Eduard) and greetings for the best beautiful girl of Romania ( Denisa )

symyna said...

Ca intotdeauna, echipa TB 2007 si-a facut treaba si a lasat o impresie buna printre ceilalti participanti ;). Congrads. Nu ne asteptam la altceva de la voi.

bunnyfer said...

Indeed...I have to agree with Mustafa....we really found ourselves some very good friends during this project :) thank you all 4 everything :)

Ilinca said...

Foarte frumos. Ştiam că o să le placă de voi :)
Genială clădirea dansatoare ;))