
Conamara, Ireland

Ensuring Learning Effectiveness and Security
16-21 May 2009


Ice Lady said...

It seems like it was both fun and hard work :) seeing Ireland is a great thing :> It seems also that you were welcomed by a traditional weather..which is a rainy one of course :)

Nice project as it is shown in the pictures ...hope we'll have another one there sometime:D

Anonymous said...

Wow! impresionat total:) Din imagini chiar e foarte frumos! Diferenta dintre tarile din nord si restu ! Nu sunt rautacios dar se poate vedea asta!

Simone said...

very nice pix! hugs and kisses from austria

Anonymous said...

Foarte frumos, diferit, aproape ireal...

symyna said...

Nice slideshow...:D Breathtaking Irish scenery, endearing "St. Garfield" :P, the maybe too familiar "Irish symbol";)), a warm fireplace in the cold Emerald Island weather, an energetic team... It seems to have been at least a nice project;)